Culinary Anthropologist

Artisan Bread workshops, 9th, 10th & 11th Nov 2012

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smpotsourdoughs0018.jpgAt this class you will learn how to make and care for your own sourdough starter and use it to make crusty wheat and rye sourdough breads.  You will also learn how to make beautiful baguettes, olive fougasse and airy ciabatta.

smmediumbaguettes0001.jpgAfter this intensive workshop you will understand how to create artisan breads with proper crackling crusts and moist, open irregular crumbs.  You will learn how wet and stiff doughs behave differently, how different types of kneading affect the final loaf and about the importance of long fermentation periods.  We will also cover using pre-ferments such as poolishes and bigas.

This class is perfect for anyone who has dabbled with bread-making before and now wants to improve the flavour and texture of their bread and learn how to shape different loaves such as baguettes, fougasse and ciabatta.  For anyone who has tried sourdoughs at home but been disappointed with the results, this class will transform your bread!

artisanbreadt.jpgThis is a hands-on class.  You will make and shape all of the doughs yourself so that you leave confident to try these breads at home.  What’s more, you will go home with an artisan bread-making kit specially sourced by Anna, including a long wooden slip for loading baguettes into the oven, your own new sourdough starter and a baker’s lame (razor for slashing).  Plus of course there will be plenty of the freshly baked bread you have made to take home.

smfougasse0001.jpgThe workshop includes a delicious seasonal lunch showcasing different types of bread, with wine.

You can view pictures of previous Home Bread workshops here.

Dates:  Friday 9th, repeated Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th November 2012

Time:  10am – 4pm

Location:  London N5

Price:  £120 (with 10% discount if you book as a pair, so £216 for two)

To book:  Email Anna

Please read the booking terms & conditions before booking your place.  Thank you.