Culinary Anthropologist

Autumn Game masterclasses, Sat 5th & Sun 6th Nov 2016

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2012-12-01 16.46.04

2014-11-15 21.28.18 HDRGame cookery can be much easier than you think! All you need is a few simple skills and techniques and a little hands on experience. This class will encourage you to cook game more often and give you the confidence to do so.

We won’t be boning out or trussing small birds, skinning rabbits or butchering venison. We’ll leave that to the skilled butchers and get on with some easy and delicious recipes to enjoy for a hearty lunch with paired wines.



Pheasant rillettes with pickled quince

Confit rabbit, green bean and olive salad with tarragon mayonnaise

Hot-smoked pigeon, persimmon and radicchio salad 

Wild mallard with quatre épices and port sauce

Istrian venison and wild boar stew with sage and juniper


HBB_Primary-URL_Horizontal_RL_100pxThis class is offered in association with Hubbub, who deliver fine foods from independent shops across London to your door. I have been using them since they started up several years ago and always been very impressed with their service.

Anyone attending this class will get a whopping 50% off their first order from Hubbub (for an order of up to £200, with no expiry date)!

I had a great time yesterday and can’t wait to try things myself at home.  What I got most from the day was more self confidence that I can do it!”

Of all the people out there teaching cookery, your set up is the one I admire most.”

Event:Autumn Game masterclass
Date(s):Saturday 5th, repeated Sunday 6th November 2016
Time:10am - 2.30pm
Location:London N5
Price:£120, or two for £216 (includes lunch with wine)
Book now
flagPlease read the booking terms & conditions before booking your place. Thank you.

Pheasant photo credit: Charlotte Tolhurst