Culinary Anthropologist


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Glögg is Swedish mulled wine with a vodka kick!  (Or call it gløgg if you’re Danish and go for brandy or rum instead.)  This recipe is adapted from one by Elsa Petersen-Schepelern.  It looks fantastic served in little Turkish or Moroccan tea glasses, and works a treat in our household every Christmas.  Just remember that it’s a lot stronger than regular mulled wine…


Recipe:  Glogg.pdf

Makes:  over 2 litres

2 bottles of dry red wine
1 bottle of vodka or aquavit
12 cardamom pods, crushed
8 cloves
3cm piece of fresh root ginger, peeled and sliced
a cinnamon stick
250g white sugar
200g raisins
an orange
200g blanched almonds

  1. Put everything except the orange and almonds in a large non-reactive saucepan or casserole.  Use a vegetable peeler to pare the zest off the orange in one long strip, taking care not to include the bitter white pith.  Add this to the pot.  Set aside overnight.
  2. Heat to simmering point, stir in the almonds and keep warm over a very low flame.  Do not boil.  Serve in little glasses on saucers, with teaspoons to eat the alcoholic almonds and raisins at the bottom of the glass!

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