Culinary Anthropologist

Grilled radicchio

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Radicchio is one of my favourite vegetables.  Its bitterness works really well in a creamy red wine risotto or pasta sauce, matched against sweet fruit in a winter salad, or grilled and anointed with a sweet dressing as in this recipe. 

smgrilledradicchio0002.JPGGrilled radicchio pairs well with Parma or Serrano ham for a starter, or can be served as a side dish to something sweet, such as roast pork or baked sweet potatoes. You could substitute balsamic vinegar for the sherry vinegar, and/or add a dash of pomegranate molasses.

Recipe:  Grilled radicchio.pdf

Serves:  6 as a side dish or starter

3 heads of radicchio di Treviso (the torpedo-shaped variety)
120ml sherry vinegar
1 small garlic clove, crushed to a paste
approx 4 tbsps olive oil
salt & pepper & sugar

  1. Boil the vinegar in a small saucepan until it has reduced to one third of its original volume.  Be careful that it does not go too far!  Let cool and whisk in garlic, olive oil and seasoning to taste to make a zingy, sweet and sour vinaigrette.  Transfer this to a wide bowl or dish.
  2. Pull any loose outer leaves off the radicchios and cut them into halves (or quarters if they are big) lengthways so that each piece is still held together by its core.  Rub a little oil over the radicchio pieces and season with a little salt.
  3. Heat a cast iron grill pan until it is smoking hot.  Quickly grill the radicchio wedges – turning them so that each side just starts to char.  You may need to do two or three batches.  As each piece is done, remove it from the pan to the dish of vinaigrette.  Turn the grilled radicchio in the vinaigrette several times to allow it to soak up the flavours.
  4. Serve on a platter at room temperature.

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