Travels in Blood & Honey: stories & cooking with a beekeeper from Kosovo, Thurs 5th May 2011
Nettle pie, smoky red pepper relish, honey-drenched baklava, Kosovan wine and honey liqueur are just some of the treats in store for you at this special event to celebrate Elizabeth Gowing’s new book – Travels in Blood and Honey: Becoming a Beekeeper in Kosovo.
Like me, Elizabeth is fascinated by the stories surrounding food. While I teach you how to make several of the delicious recipes featured in her book, Elizabeth will share tales of her remarkable food adventures in a beautiful country that most people know only as a war.
It’s an auspicious evening for nettles too. So while we munch on the nettle pie we’ve made, Elizabeth will explain how on 5th May in Kosovo people prepare to celebrate the Orthodox St George’s Day, a celebration of the coming of summer and a time to ensure fertility and health in the year ahead, by gathering nettles to put under their pillow. Come and celebrate with us!
Travels in Blood and Honey is out this month. Get your signed copy at the class. Date: Thursday 5th May 2011 Time: 7pm – 10pm Location: London N5 (Arsenal tube 2 mins walk) Price: £45, or £80 for two To book: Email Anna Please read the booking terms & conditions before booking your place. Thank you.